


泰坦学者计划 offers a transformational experience to community college transfer students from low-income, 第一代, 以及未被充分代表的背景, with particular attention paid to adult re-entry students. 该程序提供建议, 同伴指导, 学术技能研讨会, 专业发展, 金融知识讲座, 研究生准备, and graduate school visitations to increase the knowledge and skills students need for academic success.

Titan Scholars is currently accepting new program participants. 请把 应用程序在新窗口中打开 如果你感兴趣的话. The deadline to apply is February 22nd, 2023 at 11:59pm






研究生课程: Master's of American Studies - California State Unversity, 富勒顿
职业愿望: 大学教授
"Always play your cards because someone is probaly playing them against you." 

卡米尔明智 is the 项目协调人 for the 泰坦学者计划. She is a 1st-year graduate student in the American Studies program at California State University, 富勒顿. 当她毕业时, she intends to become a college professor and perform research regarding the intersections of race, 性别, 和美丽. 











从:   河滨社区学院
主要:   心理学   -   College of Humanities and Social Sciences
研究生院:   加州大学圣地亚哥分校
职业愿望:   心理治疗师
  “随着年龄的增长, you will discover that you have two hands, 一个是给自己吃的, 另一个是帮助别人.——奥黛丽·赫本

布兰登主修心理学. He is interested in continuing his studies at the 加州大学圣地亚哥分校. He would like to pursue a Doctorate in 心理学 and become a psychotherapist. As a future therapist, Brandon aspires to help people who have experienced trauma. He wants to be a role model for his younger sister and demonstrate to other Hispanic students that graduate school is possible. 





从: 埃尔卡米诺学院
主要: 心理学 - College of Humanities and Social Sciences
研究生院: 南加州大学
职业理想: 临床心理学家
最喜欢的报价: "You may never have proof of your importance, but you are more important than you think.——罗伯特·福尔格姆

瑞秋主修心理学. She hopes to continue her graduate studies at the 南加州大学's Developmental 心理学 program. Rachel would like to earn her graduate degree to help others and open more doors for her future. She plans to pursue a career as a clinical child psychologist.



Traci Nguyen (Sunny)




从: 柏树的大学
主要:心理学 - College of Humanities and Social Sciences
研究生院: California State University, 富勒顿
职业愿望: 治疗师
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."


Sunny is  a psychology major looking to attend a counseling program to eventually become a Licensed Marriage and Family 治疗师. They hope to work with underserved populations and address the disparity in representation in mental health providers.



Traci Nguyen (Sunny)




从: 河滨城市学院
主要: Geography- Environmental Analysis Concentration  - College of Humanities and Social Sciences
研究生院: California State University, 长滩
职业愿望: GIS Analyst, CC Geography Professor
"You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. 高目标. 体面的. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. 坚持! 世界需要你的付出." - E.O. 威尔逊

Steven plans to finish my undergraduate studies of Geography at CSUF while also obtaining certification in GIS and Geospatial Technologies. After the completion of his undergraduate degree at CSUF, he would like to attend CSULB to get his Master's degree in Geographic Information Systems. He believes the degree give him better opportunities at becoming a GIS Analyst and also becoming a Geography Professor at his local community college.







从: 圣安东尼奥山学院
主要: 心理学 - College of Humanities and Social Sciences
研究生院: California State University, 富勒顿
职业理想: 心理表现顾问
最喜欢的报价: "Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opporutnity for me to rise."


诗嫣主修心理学. He plans to apply to the Sports 心理学 graduate program at California State University, 富勒顿 and California State University, 长滩. He is determined to become a sports psychologist. He aspires to aid professional soccer players by providing them with the proper mental health tools and techniques to become stronger, 更专注的运动员.



de Raprager




从: 柏树的大学
主要:交际科学 & 障碍 - 传媒学院
研究生院: 陶森大学
职业愿望: 听力学家
“Maybe Eve was never meant to be our warning. Maybe she was meant to be our model. 承认你的欲望. 吃苹果. 让它燃烧.——格伦农·道尔

Deli's goals are to attend 陶森大学 Au.D doctorate program and become an audiologist that specializes in the vestibular system. She hopes to work with a range of populations but especially the veteran community. She plan to become an advocate for 第一代 students attempting to find their path in the communication sciences and disorders field.















Institute interested in applying for Grad School: Still undecided, but I have taken an interest in learning more about California State University, 北岭!   

Career working towards: Also undecided, but I am interested in Applied Behavior Analysis, as well as Psychiatry/Clinical psychology.    

Quote I live by: “You are your best thing.——托妮·莫里森.